
Currently, I work as a Policy Analyst at TNO, The Netherlands. In this postion I work on projects such as the BDVA, the Once – Only Principle, and project related to Privacy-by-design in the age of (big) data.

Formerly, I have worked as a Postdoc researcher on the project ‘Privacyspaces – redefining privacy for the 21st century’ at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society (TILT), in which I have worked on questions regarding how privacy is influences by new technologies, and how privacy of the home and privacy in public space have to be revisited from social, legal and technological point of view. I have published, together with others, about these matters in f.i. Philosophy of Technology,  Engineering Ethics and OUP.

Personal website: http://www.tjerktiman.nl/


Timan, T. & Dalibert, L. (à paraître, 2019). « Un simple outil de surveillance ? Biographie d’une caméra portée sur le corps par la police aux Pays-Bas » Technologie et Innovation, numéro spécial sur les biographies d’innovation comme vecteur de développement de la culture technique.

Tjerk Timan, Bryce Clayton Newell and Bert-Jaap Koops, Privacy in Public Space: Conceptual and Regulatory Challenges, Elgar Law, Technology and Society series 2017.

Timan, Tjerk, & Ellsworth-Krebs, Katherine (2016). Going Digital: Attempting to Bring Digital Tools to the Study of Everyday Home Life.

Galič, Maša, Timan, Tjerk, & Koops, Bert Jaap (2016). Bentham, Deleuze and beyond: An overview of surveillance theories from the panopticon to participation. Philosophy & Technology (pp. 1-29).

Timan, Tjerk (2016). The body-worn camera as a transitional technology. surveillance and society (pp. 145-149).

Koops, Bert Jaap, Newell, Bryce, Timan, Tjerk, Skorvánek, Ivan, Chokrevski, Tomislav, & Galič, Maša (2016). A typology of privacy. University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, 38(2)

Timan, Tjerk, Galic, Masa, & Koops, Bert-Jaap (2016). Surveillance theory and its implications for law. In Karen Yeung, Roger Brownsword, & Eloise Scotford (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook on the Law and Regulation of Technology.: Oxford University Press.


Invited lectures

(2017, February) Lecture “Re-inventing Privacy for the 21st Century, why and how?” School of Management, St. Andrews, UK.

(2016, December) Guest lecture “Data science and Technology Assessment”, Data science Master, Tilburg Law School, The Netherlands

(2016, October) Guest Lecture “Surveillance: what is it and how can we think about it” for the  regulation and technology MA course, Tilburg Law School.

(2016, October) Guest Lecture “How to research surveillance – theory, methods and practice” for the TOPclass course, BA ,Tilburg Law School, The Netherlands


Course coordination

(2015- 2017) MA thesis coordinator for the LLM course Law & Technology, Tilburg Law School, The Netherlands

(2015, September) MA thesis course coordinator for Law and Technology program.Tilburg Law School, The Netherlands

(2015) “Information visualisation and data science” Honours lecture series for Erasmus University Rotterdam

(2014 – 2015) Course coordinator and main lecturer: Computer Vision and Surveillance: Big Data and Visualisation. PhD course for the Erasmus Graduate school.

(2014) TOPclass Tilburg University – course on digital surveillance and practices of sharing.

(2014) Data Science and Surveillance – Honours lecture series for Erasmus University Rotterdam

(2013-2014) Main lecturer and tutorial coordinator: Digital Research Methods. MA course for Media and Communications, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

(2013, Sep-Dec) Digital Research Methods – MA course Media and Business for Erasmus University – main lecturer, design of course, lecturing, workgroups, feedback, writing skills, creating exam, grading.

Teaching Assistent

(2015-2016) MA course “privacy in the 21st century” . Honours course, Tilburg Law School, The Netherlands

(2015, September) “Privacy for the 21st century“, TA in honours-course for Tilburg Law School

(2014- 2015) Communication Technology and their Impacts – BA course for IBCoM for Erasmus University – workgroups, small lectures, feedback on writing skills, grading

(2014- 2015) Digital Research Methods – MA and PhD workshop for Media and Communication, Erasmus University, main lecturer, design of lectures and workshops, research design feedback, methodology and methods-feedback, explanation of tools.

(2011- 2012) Surveillance Technologies in public space – BA course Advanced Technology for University of Twente – lecturing, writing skills, feedback, co-developing course exam

(2011 – 2012) History of Civil Engineering – 3rd year BA course Civil Engineering for University of Twente – workgroup supervision, feedback and writing skills, grading