
Dayana Spagnuelo [PI.Lab Organizer]

Dayana Spagnuelo is a scientist at TNO specialised in information security and its interplay with data protection requests. Having researched in the past how some of the data protection principles, such as Transparency and Accountability, should be realised in technical systems, I now turn my attention to how PETs and SSI can help to accomplish them.


For a full list of publications, click here.

Selected publications:

Spagnuelo, D., Ferreira, A., & Lenzini, G. (2019, March). Accomplishing Transparency within the General Data Protection Regulation. InICISSP(pp. 114-125).

Spagnuelo, D., Bartolini, C., & Lenzini, G. (2020). Qualifying and measuring transparency: A medical data system case study.Computers & Security,91, 101717.



